Consulting in Business

There are areas of your business that Ayesha can help with in order to make it more ethically driven. Among the areas she can advise on are:

  • Providing expert sourcing advice on supply chain (such as co-ops, factories, artisan groups)
  • How to create a transparent and sustainable fashion supply chain
  • How to show impact through the use of sustainable business
  • For larger stores and businesses we look at bringing sustainable fashion into retail strategy
  • Talking about business for good

For smaller businesses and start-ups Ayesha offers coaching on:

  • How to get an ethical business started
  • How to get access to artisans and funding
  • How to successfully market your business
  • How to set up an online business
  • How to scale up a sustainable business, that profits everyone involved

Ayesha can help to achieve your organisation’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) objectives by addressing ethical issues in business or by simply helping it to become more sustainable.

Gain expert insight into how the fashion business model is changing and how at the forefront Ayesha is inspiring innovations in business which lead to a more effective, profitable business.


Palestyle at the British Museum


Virgin Unite Lunch & Learn


With Safia Minney at Alchemy Talk


Mentoring Session